The Besnard Lakes share Feuds With Guns from …Are The Last Of The Great Thunderstorm Warnings

The Besnard Lakes by Joseph Yarmush

The Besnard Lakes by Joseph Yarmush

Feuds With Guns is the latest from The Besnard Lakes’ forthcoming new album.

It’s a familiar Besnard Lakes which has returned after five years with …Are The Last Of The Great Thunderstorm Warnings, due on January 29th 2021, and there’s more of the widescreen sound on the new double album’s next preview, Feuds With Guns.

“I rotoscoped a couple of the big dives from a video of an extreme high-diving contest that took place in the 80s,” director of the track’s video, Dr. Cool, explains. “About a week after I had animated the first guy’s big jump, I returned to the video to check out some other usable clips.”

“I realized I had never watched the full clip of the first jump – I had just stopped once he hit the water. I found out that after he lands in the water he floats back up unconscious and then gets taken away on a stretcher. So now what was I supposed to do?”

“People in the comments were asking what had happened but no one knew the answer. After a bunch of snooping around the internet I found the guy’s Facebook and he’s TOTALLY alive. His name is Pat and he lives in Florida. I messaged him but he hasn’t answered.”

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