English Teacher live at Neighbourhood Weekender 2023

Photo of English Teacher playing Neighbourhood Weekender 2023 (Gary Mather for Live4ever)

English Teacher playing Neighbourhood Weekender 2023 (Gary Mather for Live4ever)

English Teacher were in Warrington on May 28th.

English Teacher played Day 2 at Neighbourhood Weekender 2023 after starting this year with Song About Love, the latest release from the band following our summer 2021 interview at the time of their Wallace single.

“The band continued to play as Titanic sank,” the review reads. “We all know the story. That no-one could later quite agree on what was actually being played as the ship succumbed to the icy waters of the Atlantic is by the by really.”

English Teacher have settled on ‘Nearer, My God, To Thee’, as most do. Its interlude is just one of the many impressively assured touches to their new single Wallace; named for Wallace Hartley, leader of said band and apparently something of a folk hero in the hometown he shares with Lily Fontaine.

“They see parallels in the futility of Hartley’s last moments, and its later veneration, with the political direction that hometown has found itself heading in since the Brexit vote in 2016. Wallace tells that story with a wide lens and exasperated but charming unpredictability.”

“The confidence on display ensures there’s no mistaking what’s at play here.”

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