Temples’ Adam Smith shares two more Foxette Moxy solo tracks

Uncredited press photo of Foxette Moxy (Temples’ Adam Smith)

Temples’ Adam Smith is following up his debut summer singles.

Temples’ Adam Smith has shared another two tracks under his new Foxette Moxy solo moniker.

Archipelago and Soup add to Medicine and What’s Youth, Papa?, the former described by Smith as a song that, ‘places our minds as individual islands in a larger collective mind’

The song attempts to open up questions about the nature of consciousness. Soup takes its inspiration directly from Redmond O’Hanlon’s ‘In Trouble Again: A Journey Between the Orinoco and the Amazon’. I wanted to focus on the bass guitar on this song, which plays in duet with the vocal at times, and at others takes the lead. The jungle was very much in mind when writing this one.

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