Tag: best coast

Drew Barrymore To Direct New Best Coast Video

best coast

Best Coast leader Bethany Cosentino has revealed Hollywood A-lister Drew Barrymore is set to direct the promo for the Californian band’s forthcoming single ‘Our Deal‘.

Speaking to Rolling Stone, Cosentino explained how the plans were drawn up following a meeting post-show in Los Angeles.

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Review: The Raveonettes @ LA Troubadour


With the recent influx and increasing hype of fuzz-caked, femme-fronted garage pop (Vivian Girls, Dum Dum Girls, Best Coast, etc.), it’s easy to forget that bands like The Raveonettes have already been taking that sound in several different directions for the past ten years. They started working with ‘My

Review: Best Coast @ Manchester Academy


The English do not know how to do summer. Sad, but true. We give it a go, with open-toe sandals, knotted handkerchiefs, flowery shirts and cocktails with those little paper umbrellas…but then a band like Best Coast hop over for a tour date or two and show us how it’s …