Sex, drugs and Rock & Roll ‘scientifically proven’


A link between that old cliche of sex, drugs and rock & roll has been proven by science, according to boffins at the Erasmus MC University Medical Center in the Netherlands.

Their…groundbreaking report, published in the Official Journal of the American Academy Of Pediatrics, reveals young people involved in the study who listen to loud music are more likely to have tried drugs, while those who frequently attend clubs and gigs are apparently twice as likely to use condoms ‘inconsistently’ during sex, and are six times more likely to binge drink.

“The results provide evidence in support of the integration of risky music-listening behaviors within research on and programs aimed at reducing more traditional health-risk behaviors such as substance abuse and unsafe sexual intercourse,” the researchers have said.

“We know that high-risk behaviors certainly run together, so in some ways it’s not a big surprise,” Sharon Levy, head of the Adolescent Substance Abuse Program at Boston Children’s Hospital, told Reuters.

In total, 944 students from inner-city vocational schools, aged 15 to 25, were surveyed.

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