New Music Friday: Hot Chip – Freakout/Release

Hot Chip Freakout Release

Freakout/Release, the latest studio album from Hot Chip, has been released today – revisit Live4ever’s review and check out the album below.

“Recently in the group chat we got into a discussion about Poptimism versus Rockism; if you don’t know, then basically it’s the belief in music criticism that pop was less artistically viable than rock, and that only the latter produced anything which had agency.””

“This has largely been debunked, and at its heart ignored the fact that some of rock’s best numbers – Last Nite, Brown Sugar, Smells Like Teen Spirit – are in fact pop songs in every sense.”

“Equally (we’re getting to the point) there are plenty of artists who’ve hopped between the two’s constructs to great success – think LCD Soundsystem, Bjork and Gorillaz as examples.”

Click here for the review in full.

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