New Music Friday: Hinds, Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever

Prettiest Curse 1

New albums from Hinds and Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever have been released today on New Music Friday – have a listen on Live4ever.

As Hinds told us, the delayed release of The Prettiest Curse held off a new direction for the band which Ana Garcia Perrote described as, ‘very colourful and diverse’. “This album represents to me that we can do a lot more than I thought we could,” she continued. “We can play keyboards, have fun and let other people give us their direction. What we wanted with this album was to get out of the comfort zone. Not to write with each other and then go to the rehearsal space. It was more like ‘let’s start from a bassline; let’s play this chord but on keyboard; let’s have producers that we can let talk’.”

Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever have, by contrast, been able to stay on course with their new album Sideways To New Italy, named for the village near New South Wales’s Northern Rivers where drummer Marcel Tussie hails. “I felt completely rudderless on tour,” Fran Keaney said of the record’s origins.

“It’s fun but you get to a point where you’re like, Who am I anymore? You feel like you’re everywhere and nowhere at the same time. And no one in particular,” Tom Russo added. “We saw a lot of the world, which was such a privilege, but it was kind of like looking through the window at other people’s lives, and then also reflecting on our own.”

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