Everything Everything post video for new single ‘Spring / Sun / Winter / Dread‘


Everything Everything have posted a video for ‘Spring / Sun / Winter / Dread‘, the third single from their 2015 album ‘Get To Heaven‘.

The single is out on September 3rd and now has a video directed by frontman Jonathan Higgs, who says:

“The song talks about seasons passing and getting older, so we wanted to concentrate on the Sun and make it into a kind of oppressive force – positive and life-giving but also burning and destructive”

“We used Ultra-Violet and Infra-Red cameras to get a look at the sun damage on our skin, and give everything an alien look.”

“We shot in a quarry so we could have a clear horizon and a dry, hot, desert scene. Most of the sun effects were completed afterwards because we picked a rainy day to shoot, though we did spray everything silver in order to get some good light reflections and add to the heatproof/astronaut feel.”

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