Jake Bugg denounces ‘soulless manufactured pop’


Jake Bugg (Photo: Paul Bachmann for Live4ever)

You’ll probably remember the press attempting to stoke up a strange Jake Bugg/One Direction rivalry last year, asking as they were for the Nottingham songwriter’s thoughts on the pop band at every opportunity.

Well, now Bugg’s been pressed for his thoughts on the current music scene more generally, and unsurprisingly he’s not a fan.

“Manufactured pop bands, they don’t have any heart, they don’t have any soul,” he told the Sunday Times. “It’s really sad for me, when you work hard at what you do with your guitar, and then you pop the radio on and it’s like some weird trumping sound coming out of it.”

“All the lyrics are about one-night stands, holding your glass up and twerking and stuff like that. I know I might sound like a dad, but it’s frustrating to hear people my age going on about stuff like that when, personally, I think there are more important things in the world.”

Jake Bugg is now looking ahead to his third album after the release of ‘Shangri La‘ just over a year ago. He looks ready to go it alone songwriting-wise for the first time after previously enlisting co-writers for assistance on his previous studio efforts.

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